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  • buy beer!
  • see toll road booth people and get cards for all vehicles on expo
  • get base camp gas cylinder from Hilde
  • put cloth over all new Tatie hut shelves with Hilde's glasses and cups so can't be used
  • put cloth over top shelf above fridge with Hilde's booze on so can't be drunk
  • put everything from Hilde's drawers into one drawer and leave note inside this drawer for deriggers to say where it all goes
  • remove any fragile decoration in Tatie hut and put on top shelf to right of door with note about where to replace it at end
  • put lino on floor of new Tatie hut - note largest piece is cut to fit
  • put yellow cloths on tables in new Tatie hut
  • remove Hilde's kettle (with Continental plug - put into cupboard?) and get out Expo kettle
  • rebuild cairns on route to top camp
  • take reflectors from base camp to mark route to top camp and then use extra top camp reflectors as not enough reflectors on route in 2008
  • get expo phones working (we got a deal where free to call between them in 2008 - instructions about this left with the phones though deal may not be on in 2009)
  • take drills and batteries and drill bits and petrol stoves and the electronics that Frank took down in 2008 to top camp
  • take main meals (curries, couscous, tortellini) plus instant cheese sauce to top camp - other than this, I think top camp is pretty well supplied already for 2009, though check the list
  • set up bivvy tarps
  • set up water collecting butts including sterilising butts before use
  • set up solar panels and electronics
  • take purple tape to top camp and mark any cutelry, mugs, plates and mess tins with club colours even if already have personal tape on - if the owner comes to expo they can remove the club tape and if not it means people know what is communal stuff. Bring down any excess of mess tins (cutlery and mugs should stay up though)
  • take top camp phone and its charger (cigarette lighter thing) and pink callout book up to top camp (big peli case for them is already up there)
  • at top camp, the two car batteries are in the lower of the two large, grey food trunks (upper trunk is empty). You *MUST* remove the batteries before moving the trunk otherwise you will bust the trunk!
  • take up the large (1m high) daren drum and one of the similar sized blue drums from the base camp loft to top camp for extra food storage
  • write a list for end of expo people explaining what does and doesn't belong to expo and what to do at the end

Source: email from Becka 2008.08.17