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I agreeField | Value |
Make | |
Flash | |
Model | |
FNumber | |
DateTime | |
Software | |
Copyright | |
SceneType | |
Sharpness | |
ColorSpace | |
ExifOffset | |
FileSource | |
ExifVersion | |
FocalLength | |
LightSource | |
Orientation | |
XResolution | |
YResolution | |
ExposureMode | |
ExposureTime | |
MeteringMode | |
WhiteBalance | |
ApertureValue | |
ExifImageWidth | |
ResolutionUnit | |
ExifImageHeight | |
ExposureProgram | |
FlashPixVersion | |
ISOSpeedRatings | |
DateTimeOriginal | |
DigitalZoomRatio | |
MaxApertureValue | |
SceneCaptureType | |
YCbCrPositioning | |
DateTimeDigitized | |
ExposureBiasValue | |
ShutterSpeedValue | |
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | |
CompressedBitsPerPixel | |
ComponentsConfiguration | |
ExifInteroperabilityOffset |